利達空調股份有限公司成立已達六十餘年,是國內最大風管製造廠家之一,擁有電腦自動化設備數十項,產品品質優良;且具有極強的研發能力,已取得專利20多件。利達公司的品質系統於民國88年4月26日已獲得 ISO 9002 認證,民國91年改版為 ISO 9001,品質已達國際一流水準。
Welcome to Leader Air Condition Leader was founded fifty years ago. Now it is supposed to be one of the most leading air duct manufacturers in Taiwan. Leader owns dozens of computer-aided manufacturing equipments to produce high quality products, also has a very strong research & develop capability. So far, more than twenty products already obtained patents. The company quality administration system got certification of ISO 9002 on April /26/1999, and upgraded to ISO 9001 In 2002. The quality of Leader has reached the world standards.